When the city started to close down again, we decided to add additional virtual adventures, along with our Zoom Book Club events....
What a great way to make the most of our time apart and enjoy some distanced gal time during the COVID-19 pandemic!
In addition to hosting one book club event that was solely a Zoom book club discussion, we decided to introduce two virtual cooking classes and a virtual wine tasting, prior to the book club discussions.
We were not sure how they would be received by our book clubbers, but they were a hit! Some even joined more than one adventure and / or book discussion.
For our first “foodie” adventures, our friend, Jessica, virtually introduced us to some delicious recipes to pair with our reading choices. We chose to feature chocolate truffles for one book and sweet potato flautas for another. The food was SO scrumptious, many of the book clubbers made the recipes again on their own!
Since Connie and I immensely enjoy wine from Midwest’s own Hickory Creek Winery (Michigan), we teamed up with the owner, Adam, to have a personalized virtual wine tasting with another one of our book options.
We included Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave as our highlighted book for the event.
Not only does the book have complex characters and a rich plot, but also includes a vivid winery backdrop and technical diction, in regards to winemaking. It was the perfect pairing for the wine tasting!
Adam was both informative and entertaining prior to our book discussion, and the experience complemented our talk perfectly!
Connie and I adored every moment experiencing the paired adventures and discussing the books with our book clubbers, and cannot wait to embark on our next varietal with everyone!
– Mandy G, New Book Joy Founder
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