A hilarious yet reassuring back-to-school picture book where a child's backpack frets about first-day-of-school jitters...
In this hilarious yet reassuring back-to-school picture book, a backpack deals with first-day-of-school nerves and feeling out of place. Filled with crowded hallways, lonely cafeteria tables, toilet stalls, and the signature existential angst of Simon Rich, this fun read-aloud will have kids braving classrooms with a smile (and maybe taking better care of their trusty backpacks...).
RECOMMENDED FOR: 1st - 2nd Grade
OUR BOOKS ARE LISTED BY AGE GROUP to indicate that the content is engaging and appropriate for those selected ages. PLEASE NOTE: They may not be the appropriate reading level for every individual at those ages or may extend beyond the brackets.
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Publish Date: July 11, 2023
Pages: 40
Dimensions: 10.35 X 10.26 X 0.41 inches | 1.01 pounds
Language: English
Type: Hardcover