Escape into a magical world with this adorable Bookscape Board Book...
Discover a museum's exhibits in a one-of-a-kind format, complete with art by celebrated illustrator Ingela Arrhenius. Delightfully petite, Bookscape Board Books' chunkiness and unique layers give them a tactile, toylike quality that begs to be picked up - making each book in the series a memorable and irresistible gift.
ADORABLE ARTWORK: Ingela P Arrhenius has a unique eye for color and design that has made her a beloved creator of books for the youngest readers. Step into her world of books with this specially crafted board book.
GIFTABLE: Shaped, chunky pages and bright illustrations make this an excellent choice for hands-on reading and play. Bookscape Board Books make ideal baby shower or birthday gifts!
COLLECT THEM ALL! Each of the Bookscape Board Books offers a tiny world to treasure and explore - from a museum's exhibits to a forest through the seasons. Perfect for collecting and displaying, this series makes a stylish addition to any nursery collection.
OUR BOOKS ARE LISTED BY AGE GROUP to indicate that the content is engaging and appropriate for those selected ages. PLEASE NOTE: They may not be the appropriate reading level for every individual at those ages or may extend beyond the brackets.
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Publish Date: September 03, 2019
Pages: 10
Dimensions: 4.7 X 6.1 X 0.7 inches | 0.35 pounds
Language: English
Type: Board Book
Condition: NEW