Do Not Discard is based on the true-life story of Sam, an orphan who was thrown in the trash as an infant and became a college graduate. The book chronicles Sam’s story from a garbage dump in El Salvador as he rises above adversity in an orphanage and the streets of El Salvador to arrive in Chicago.
Sam’s journey is long, challenging, and sometimes dangerous. He is discarded. He is shot. He is a runaway. He falls in love. You will come to understand his resilience, empathize with his circumstances, and celebrate his triumphs. The story inspires us all to find our dream and take control of our destiny.
RECOMMENDED FOR: Middle School - Grown-Ups
OUR BOOKS ARE LISTED BY AGE GROUP to indicate that the content is engaging and appropriate for those selected ages. PLEASE NOTE: They may not be the appropriate reading level for every individual at those ages or may extend beyond the brackets (which will be noted in the description below each book).
Publisher: Good Stories Publishing
Publish Date: May 12, 2023
Pages: 268
Dimensions: 5.25 x 0.61 x 8 inches
Language: English
Type: Paperback
Condition: NEW