In this playfully illustrated journey with Bob Staake, children and adults alike will discover an encouraging truth: our path through life is not only challenging and beautiful - it is all our own to discover and invent.
"You will walk. You will walk along a well-worn path that many people have taken - and long before you." So begins this inspirational journey over gentle, grassy hills, through fields of wildflowers, over raging rivers, up steep mountains, and even through a dark, chilly cave. When it splits in two, you will have to decide what to do next - and you'll create a path that's unique to you.
RECOMMENDED FOR: Pre-K - 2nd Grade
OUR BOOKS ARE LISTED BY AGE GROUP to indicate that the content is engaging and appropriate for those selected ages. PLEASE NOTE: They may not be the appropriate reading level for every child at those ages or may extend beyond the brackets.
Publisher: Minedition
Publish Date: April 5, 2022
Pages: 32
Dimensions: 8.1 X 10.2 X 0.5 inches | 0.8 pounds
Language: English
Type: Hardcover
Condition: NEW